Monday, March 26, 2007

How can I Hibernate my Computer?

Follow these Steps:
  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Double Click on "Power Options" icon. This will open "Power Options Properties" Dialog.
  3. Click on "Hibernate" tab.
  4. Check the "Enable Hibernation" checkbox.
  5. Click on "OK" button.
  6. Now whenever you want to Hibernate your PC, go to Start Menu, and click on "Shut Down" or "Turn Off PC" option.
  7. It will show some options like "Stand By", "Turn Off" and "Restart".
  8. Press and hold key on your keyboard. This will change the Stand By Option to Hibernate. You can also do the same by pressing key.
  9. Click on Hibernate option. Now your PC will take some seconds to Hibernate.
  10. Switch off your PC.
  11. Now whenever you want to use your PC, Switch it ON, and your PC will be ready with all the files that were open before hibernating the PC.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

What are the Merits / Advantages and Demerits / Disadvantages of Cement/Concrete Flooring?

1.It is non absorbent and it is useful for water stores.
2.It is durable and hence it is commonly used in kitchen, bathrooms, schools, hospitals, drawing rooms, etc.
3.It is smooth and pleasing in appearance.
4.It is economical and has the advantage of costlier types of floors.
5.It possesses good wearing properties.
6.It can be easily maintained.
7.It is fire resistant.

1.Defects in carelessly made floor cannot be rectified and requires proper attention while laying.
2.It cannot be repaired by patch work.

Where is Cement/Concrete Flooring found?

It is suitable for residential, commercial, industrial and public buildings of all types.

It is found in countries like India and else where. E.g. White House, Parliament of India, Etc

How to construct Cement Concrete Flooring?

Method of laying the cement concrete flooring on floor of a building can be broadly divided in the following steps:

  • Preparation of Sub Base:
    The earth filling in plinth is consolidated thoroughly so as to ensure that no loose pockets are left in the whole area. A 10 cm to 15 am thick layer of clean coarse sand is then spread over the whole area. The sand layer is consolidated and dressed to the required level and slope.
  • Laying of Base Concrete:
    The base concrete used under floors may be cement concrete or lime concrete laid to a thickness varying 7.5cm to 10cm. In case of cement concrete the mix commonly used 1:5:10 (where 1 cements: 5 sand: 10 stone or brick burnt aggregates with 40mm nominal size). The base concrete layer is deposited over the whole area, thoroughly tamped and leveled to a rough surface.
  • Laying Topping:
    The base concrete layer should be fully set and hardened
    Then the surface is thoroughly cleaned
    The entire area is divided into rectangular or square panels by use of 4m thick glass strips or 5mm thick plain asbestos strips.
    The size of the panel is basically governed by the location of the floor, temperature and other climatic conditions, thickness of the topping and proportions of ingredients in concrete mix.
    In general the area of one such panel should not be preferably being more than 2 sq.
    The surface of base concrete coated with cement slurry ensures adequate bond between the base and the topping.
    The cement concrete topping, normally consisting of 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone aggregate) is then laid in required thickness in one operation in the panel.
    The cement spread evenly by using a straight edge and the surface is thoroughly tamped and floated with wooden floats till the cream of the mortar comes at the top.
    The surface is then smoothened and finished by means of steel trowels.
    In case glass or plain asbestos strips are not required, the panels are formed by use of wooden or angle iron battens.
    The prepared surface is protected from sunlight, rain and other damages for 12 to 20 hours. The surface is then properly cured for a period of 7-14 days.

What are the Merits / Advantages and Demerits / Disadvantages of Mud Flooring?

Merits / Advantages:
1.It is cheap
2.It is hard
3.It is fairly impervious
4.It is easy in construction
5.It is easy to maintain
6.It remains warm in winter and cold in cold in summer and hence most suitable for places where the temperature is extreme during these seasons.

Demerits / Disadvantages:
1.It is only well suited for small towns and villages.

Where(which places) is Mud Flooring found?

It is found in tropical country like India.

Since these floors remain warm in winter and cold in summer. These are most suitable for the places where the temperature is extreme during these seasons. These are commonly used in small villages and towns of India. E.g.Small towns in TamilNadu, Karnataka. Andhra Pradesh. Etc.

How to construct Mud Flooring?

Firstly, the floor bed should be well prepared.

A 25 cm thick layer of selected moist earth is evenly spread out and is rammed well so as to get a consolidated thick ness of about 15 cm.

It is important that no water is used during the process of ramming.

In order to prevent the formation of cracks after drying, chopped straw in small quantity is mixed with the moist earth before ramming.

The floor is maintained by giving a thin cement cow dung wash (1:2 to 1:3) once or twice a week.

How to dress as a Perfect Man?

The Secret of Your Face
Your face is your centerpiece of style. Job one is to draw attention to it.A man's primary color signposts are his complexion and his hair color.So the colors of an ensemble should have the same level of contrast as the contrast between his skin tone and his hair color.For example, if you're light-skinned and dark-haired, you should favor the same high contrast between the color of your tie and the color of your shirt or whatever garments you're wearing right below your face.If, conversely, you're a low-contrast guy--say, blond hair and pale skin or dark hair and dark skin--you want low contrast in the shirt-jacket-tie triangle.
The Eyes Have It
Why? Because a high-contrast face surrounded by low-contrast clothes is like a framed painting without the bottom edge of the frame. It encourages a girl’s eye to drift southward, away from the artwork that is your face. If you frame a low-contrast face with high-contrast clothes, her gaze will wander toward the dominant clothes and away from the raw sexual power in your eyes.
Hold clothes up near your face to see which colors flatter you. If you've got a pinkish complexion, a red/maroon tie or pocket square will sharpen focus on your face. If your hair is blond or your skin brown, favor warm gold, rusts, browns. Wear sunglasses, no matter what the season, and scarves, whenever you can get away with them. Anything around the neck or above will draw attention to your face.
How to wear a belt with shorts
The trick is to move away from heavy black or braided leather belts. With shorts, make the belt an extension of your casual look. Try a tan distressed-leather belt like Polo's O-ring or saddle belt. One of these will keep your pants on--as long as you want them to stay on. A belt that doesn't fit turns you into a human sausage.If u had been wearing the same belt for 15 years, the one you bought when you were 15 pounds lighter? Make sure the old hole isn't stretched or misshapen. If your belt lacks luster or appears worn, toss it. Try a shiny, rich brown alligator-skin belt with a gold buckle. You can also wear silver buckle and black leather. The most versatile width is 1 3/16 inches. The best belts have five holes; if yours isn't buckled in the middle, it's too long or too short.
Dress Taller
Muted, dark-toned ensembles blur your silhouette, creating a long look. Make sure your suit jacket covers your butt without extending much farther down, a shorter jacket will emphasize the line of your legs, making you appear taller. Conversely, a jacket that's too long will shrink your legs.
Dress Trimmer
Okay, you've logged the gym time, and you want to show off what you've built. Just don't go too crazy flaunting your musculature. Fine-gauge fabrics such as linen knits, lightweight cashmere, and high-quality Egyptian or pima cotton will show off your upper torso; boot-cut jeans, which are slimmer through the seat and legs, are great for the lower body.
Dress Smaller
Imposing men can loom a bit less if they contrast colors on the top and bottom, visually splitting the body--the opposite of the single-color effect. So, unlike the man who's trying to appear taller, you can effectively wear a white or colorful shirt with darker pants. You can also create a wider frame with horizontal stripes or patterns, which add perpendicular lines to your verticals.
Dress Thinner
The strong contrast in a black-and-white outfit draws the eye to your face--and away from any out-of-control flesh that might be gathered around your middle. Wearing a single dark color on top and bottom shaves off a few pounds and lengthens you. If you have a full face, wear open-collared shirts or V-necks, which add an angular look. Crew collars and turtlenecks only add to the jack-o'-lantern effect.
Dress Bigger
Wear a T-shirt under an open-collared dress shirt and vest, and put a sport coat on top of that. A range of jackets, including natural-shouldered tweeds in earthy colors, is also a must-have for the man who wants to look beefier.

How to Travel Light and Wise ?

Travel Light and Wise

Try as much as possible to have garments that complement each other so that they can all be worn in different combinations. You can carry a pair of jeans with two or three shirts or t-shirts that go with them- its good as carrying three sets of clothes; or pants could be those with zips at the knee that can be converted into shorts.
Carry clothes that are light weighted, washable and wrinklefree.
Dark colored clothes are better during journeys as the dirt doesn't get too prominent.
Make sure that the outfits you choose breathe comfort.
Carry comfortable shoes. If you're travelling for a special occasion, carry your party shoes,else, a pair of walking shoes will do
To combat the cold, dont forget your pullover or a shawl- its good if the color matches with most of the clothes that you will be carrying, though !
Cosmetics and Toiletries should be neatly packed away in a seperate pouch, just to avoid soiling of your clothes, in case of spillage.
Keep accessories and valuables to the minimum.

What is Laugh and Cry?

LeArN tO LaUgH N WeEp.

If you really want to laugh you will have to learn how to weep. If you cannot weep and if you are not capable of tears, you will become incapable of laughter. A man of laughter is also a man of tears- then a man is balanced. A man of bliss is also a man of silence. A man who is ecstatic is also a man who is centered. They both go together. And out of this togetherness of polarities a balanced being is born. And that is what the goal is.